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2023年6月28日由我校聂少平教授作为发起人之一,并联合西北大学、江苏大学、福建农林大学、浙江大学和Wiley出版集团联合创办的国际食物营养与安全协会旗舰期刊Food Frontiers,获得了自2020年创刊以来的第一个影响因子(Journal Impact Factor)——9.9,以完美的表现完成全球食品科技期刊国际赛场上的首秀,这标志着南昌大学乃至我省食品领域在国际上的影响力得到进一步提...
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the IAEA will increase collaboration in peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology, particularly in agriculture and medicine, to the benefit of the co...
近日,受国际农业与食品领域顶级期刊《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》主编Thomas F. Hofmann的邀请,南昌大学食品学院院长聂少平教授担任该刊副主编。《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》创刊于1953年,由美国化学学会(American Chemical Society, ACS)主...
近期,江西省农业科学院农产品加工研究所作为第一完成单位在《Food Chemistry》(一区,影响因子 9.231)上发表了题为“Co-60 gamma irradiation induced ovalbumin-glucose glycation and allergenicity reduction revealed by high-resolution mass spectrometry ...
A new tool to thwart deadly pathogens in commercial dry food processing plants may soon pick up steam – superheated, dry steam – to keep consumers safe.
A natural brilliant blue food coloring has been discovered by an international team of researchers including chemists at the University of California, Davis. Natural food colorings are in demand,...
Engineers have designed a Velcro-like food sensor, made from an array of silk microneedles, that pierces packaging to sample food for signs of spoilage and bacterial contamination.The sensor's microne...
Focusing on urbanization as a key driver of environmental change in the 21st century, National Science Foundation-funded scientists at Princeton University have created a framework to understand and c...
Building resilience in renewable energy and food production is a challenge in today's changing world, especially in regions susceptible to heat and drought. Agrivoltaics, the co-locating of agricultur...
The number of humans alive on our planet today is some 7.5 billion. By 2087, projections show, 11 billion people will be living on Earth.How will we continue to have a sustainable supply of food, ener...
Many Americans, with the start of the New Year, will resolve to cut back on fast food to avoid an overload of fat and calories. Yet, there is another reason to resist the temptation to indulge in fast...
To help secure the future of food, energy, and water systems while maintaining vital ecosystem services, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded more than $72 million for fundamental science...
New approach to disease research has made scientist Morten Arendt Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen, the first recipient of an American award in honour of the founder of chemometrics.
Engineering a better food bank     The food bank  Engineering       2014/10/9
For the past few years, a team of engineers has spent long hours poring over data files and complex computer models. They weren't designing nuclear reactors or high-tech cars--they were using their te...
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the availability of resources to strengthen the capacity of the Nation's emergency feeding network to meet the needs of the increasing numbers of peop...









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